Thursday, July 27, 2006

Wooden Mirror Frame

A old bathroom mirror presented itself and I wanted to find use for it. It is a plain beveled piece of mirror about 38 inches by 29 inches.
I purchased 2 inch by 6 inch lengths of hemlock fur, cut them, and joined them. With this frame sized correctly I am in the process of routing out a half inch depth cut around the back of the frame to allow the mirror and backing to set into.
After routing and woodfilling the corner joints I will sand down the entire piece. After sanding is complete I will use the router and dremel tool to carve out a design I have found (a family crest design) and then inlay steel into the wood and finish the surface of the steel.
With the inlay complete I will stain the frame, seal it, and polish with steel wool.

Pictures of frame in progress:

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