Friday, November 16, 2007

Replicators, PolyJet boldy on it's way...

A new rapid prototyping machine from Objet that is quite unbelieveable.

PolyJet Matrix

design a hairbrush? print it. use it.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pure Geography

So, I found this on a blog mainly containing articles about landscape architecture. However, it also includes things related to that which delves into geography, geology, etc.

This one in particular, Pure Geography, is a really neat combination of landscape architecture, geology, and art. Somehow to me this looks like another planet or a video game. Doesn't quite look real, yet really opens your eyes to possibility for new kinds of landscape architecture.

Located in Punta Pite, Chili this oceanside pathway spans over a 27 acre plot of land. Sure makes it a place you want to add to go visit.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Metal like plastic

This is a pretty cool new application of a new alloy. For non-heat critical applications this allows for production of metal parts with high tolerances (micron level) and less need of machining after manufacturing. As stated on their website, imagine being able to mold a scalpel blade and having it come out of the mold as sharp as needed with no need for machining the blade to a sharp edge... pretty cool.


Friday, October 05, 2007

Resin Coffee Table

For some reason recently I've been into coming up with designs for coffee tables. Maybe it's because it itself is a conversation piece just like the magazines or coffee table books you might keep on one. This one is a great idea, not that cost effective, but the outcome is really nice.

Resin Coffee Table

You can also see more at his portfolio page:

Mac Tilt Control

This is pretty neat, funny how people find things to do with something never intended for that use...

Roomba Meets Mac

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hammer Time

Atom Design Split Head Hammer

So if you are into design, woodworking, or are looking for a gift for someone that has every tool known to man you should check out this site. I will be getting one as soon as I can find a good source to buy one from...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007



Check this out if you have the time. At my new job I will be highly involved with this kind of stuff.

You can also take a look at the catalog... here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hobbit Houses for Humans

Hobbit Houses

These look pretty cool you have to admit. It also goes along with the green mentality that seems to be growing slowly with mass produced products in construction kept to a minimum. While this might be a bit much to deal with for a full time home as a summer or winter getaway it might just be something to think about...

Monday, August 06, 2007

Perseid Meteor Shower

Site of the Day:

Meteor Shower

The Perseid Meteor Shower is coming this Sunday Aug. 12th through Monday morning the 13th. This is one of the better meteor showers of the year with potential of 60+ visible meteors an hour. This year it coincides with the new moon so if you're in a low light pollution area you should have a good chance of a nice show. Information says that the best viewing will be after midnight into early Monday morning hours.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Site of the Day:


A liquid with suspension of magnetic particles allowing the liquid to react to magnetic fields. NASA developed this for use in controlling fluid fuels in zero gravity. It has many other uses including electronics, mechanical engineering applications including dampers, medical treatments, and others. The link above is to a decent video of the behavior of ferrofluids, if you search on youtube or google there are a lot of other ones out there that are good to look at.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Site of the Day:


This one at first seems like it might be a bit silly compared to the navigation systems that are visual or audible.. but if you start to think of other applications (such as those who are vision/hearing impaired, or other applications) it starts to seem like a pretty neat idea.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Site of the Day:


So you know what aperture is if you've gotten into photography a bit... if not think of your eye, specifically the iris. It is your eye's aperture, when it's bright it closes to decrease the amount of light getting in and increases in the dark to let the most light in.
This is a pretty interesting application I think.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Reduce, Recycle, Sit

Site of the Day:

Recycled Furniture

Some interesting recycled products for your living room and patio. For those of you that are into recycling this is a great way to continue the cycle, or you could even try holding onto all those milk jugs and making your own deck chairs out of them... let me know how that one goes.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

"Lawn Furniture"...

Site of the Day:

Lawn/Sod Furniture

Pretty cool, although might be a pain to mow/weed-wack/trim. Definitely an interesting conversation starter for BBQs though. Or if you want a simpler piece to begin with here's a smaller design...

Grass Chair

No the question is what else can they make out of dirt and grass...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Site of the Day:


I came across this a while ago when I was researching different processing techniques of concrete. Pretty cool stuff, pretty pricey as well. Light Transmitting Concrete, basically is just concrete with embedded fiber-optics allowing for light transmission through the concrete. When you start reading more about how difficult it is to manufacture you can get an idea of why this stuff is so pricey. Makes you want to figure out a poor-man's solution to make your own.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Extreme Wood Bending

Site Of The Day:

Extreme Wood Bending
and additionally more from the same group can be seen at:
Fluted Beams LLC

These are pretty cool and definitely extreme ways to work with materials resulting in very unique looks for a lot of different applications. The first two that come to my mind are sculpture and contemporary furniture designs, but as you'll see on the Fluted Beams site there are many other applications.